Indus valley civilization

Indus Valley Civilization (2900 – 1700 BC)

  • Indus valley civilization is older than chalcolithic culture but was far more developed
  • Marked the beginning of Bronze age civilization

Sights of Indus Valley Civilization

Early (Pre Harappan)Mature (Harappan) Late Phase (Post Harappan)
Harappa (Pakistan @ Ravi)
Mohenjodaro (Pakistan @ Indus)
Chanhudaro (Pakistan @ Indus)
Sutkagendor (Pakistan)
Sukotada (Gujrat)
Lothal (Gujrat @ Bhogava)
KalibanganKalibangan (Rajasthan @ Ghaggar)
BanawaliBanawali (Hissar @Ghaggar)
RakhigarhiRakhigarhi (Hissar @Ghaggar)Rakhigarhi
DholaviraDholavira (Kutch)Dholavira
Manda (Jammu), Chandigarh,Shangol (Punjab), Daulatpur,Mitthal (Haryana), AlamgirpurHulas (West UP)

Developments in Indus Valley Civilization

  • Citadel / Acropolis at cities for member of ruling class (west side) & brick houses below citadel in town for commoners
  • Remarkable grid system of roads  Roads cutting at right angle to each other
  • Large scale use of burnt bricks & total absence of stone buildings
  • Remarkable underground drainage system connecting all houses & streets covered by bricks / stone slabs
  • Agriculture technology was well developed (But no use of ploughshare) : Wheat, Rice, Barley, Peas etc. + Domesticated large scale of animals
  • Cotton was 1st produced by Indus people hence Greeks called it Sindon which is derived from Sindh
Indus Valley Civilization
  • Harappan were 1st to produce silver in the world + wore gold, silver & beads Jewelry
  • Practiced boat making, seal making, Bronze smith, Weavers etc.
  • Granaries & seals show Harappan carried on considerable trade but only through Barter system
  • No temples has been found at any of the site hence can be said that it was ruled by merchants not priests
  • Worshiped Goddess Earth, Pipal Tree, Pashupati Mahadeva & Animals (Bull / Unicorn Rhino)
  • 1st to invent the art of writing – Right to left – (Pictographic only  Not deciphered so far)
  • Used weights for trade (Mostly in multiple of 16) & Bronze made marked sticks for measurements
  • Were expert in Potter’s wheel & pottery making
  • Their greatest artistic creation was ” Seals”
  • Mostly limestone was used for sculptures.

Indus Valley Civilization Site

Remarkable Feature

  • Great Bath (Largest Brick Work)
  • Great Granary (Largest Building)
  • Impressive drainage system
  • Bronze image of dancing girl
  • Image of steatite bearded man
  • Piece of woven cotton
  • Seal of pashupati
  • Prepared Garments
  • Skeletons on stairs of well (Mount of the dead)
  • Artificial Dock (Manchester of Harappan civilization)
  • Art of double burial
  • Cotton cultivation
  • Granary & Wooden plough
  • Wells in every house
  • Camels Bone
  • 2 rows of 6 granaries
  • Lancashire of India
  • Only city without citadel
  • Bangles Factory
  • Beads Factory
  • Biggest Site

Theory of Decline of Indus Valley Civilization

  • Natural Calamities such as floods, Earthquakes etc.
  • Decrease in Land fertility
  • Outbreak of an epidemic
  • Decline of trade & Invasion of Aryansported in Ashoka’s times from Persia. There is abundant evidence of stone masons mark similar to those at Persepolis (Persia).


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