Causes and consequences of battle of Plassey 1657

Taking advantages of the confusion and disorder that prevailed in the Mughal Empire after the death of Aurangzeb,Murshid-Quli Khan, the Mughal governor of Bengal in 1717, declared his independence and ruled over it with uncommon ability. Upon his death in 1727 he was succeeded by his son-in-law, Shuja-ud-din Muhammad Khan. Suja-ud-din was succeeded by his son Sarfaraz Khan but due to his inability he was killed and was succeeded by Alivardi Khan. Alivardi Khan died on 21st April, 1756 and was succeeded by his grandson, Siraj-ud-daula.

Various causes leading to the Battle of Plassey: By the time when Siraj-ud-Daulah became the new Nawab of Bengal , both French and English were strengthening their respective fortifications in an expectation of war that may likely occur between them due to the seven years war(1756-1763) that broke out between them in Europe. When Siraj-ud-Daulah forbade them to fortify their settlements, the French readily obeyed while the English flatly refused.

Secondly, The servants of the East India Company misused their Commercial privileges acquired from the Mughal Emperor through 'Royal Farman(Firman) of 1717', according to which the English Company could carry on trade in Bengal duty-free. This privileges was misused by the Company's Servants for their private trade and not only that, they sometimes even sold these Passes or Dastaks to their friendly native traders which cost the Nawab's treasury so dear.

Thirdly, The English fully exploited the discontentment of the Hindus against the tyrannical rule of the Muslimand instigated them against the Nawab and had even given shelter to them. Once, Sirajdemanded the surrender of one of his bitterest enemy, Krishna Das to him, the latter flatly refused. Thus, being provoked Siraj marched to Calcutta and seized the English Factory at Kasimbazaar and then occupied Fort William on 20th June,1756. Siraj then returned back to Murshidabad, leaving Calcutta under the charge of one of his Officer, Manikchand.

When the news of the fall of Calcutta reached Madras, a large Naval and Military Expedition was sent under Admiral Watson and Colonel Robert Clive who reached Calcutta in December,1756 and recovered back Calcutta on January, 1757 without any serious fighting. Finding himself in a difficult condition, Siraj then concluded a treaty with the English on 9th February, 1757, known as "The treaty of Alinagar" which conceded all the demands of the English. But the Treaty of Alinagar failed to restore the friendly relation between the two.

Fourthly, To further weaken the position of the Nawab, (for the English were bent upon replacing the Nawab, Siraj by a man who would be more amendable to their control) they contact Mir Jafar, the Commander-in-Chief the Nawab's army through Amin Chand and entered into conspiracy for overthrowing Siraj-ud-Daulah with a promise of the Nawabship of Bengal. Though the conspiracy got leaked out, but unfortunately Siraj showed lamentable lack of decision and energy, so failed to act accordingly. Had he acted with promptness and arrested Mir Jafar, the bid for 'Coup' would have been failed. Instead, he foolishly rely on the assurances of the traitor,  Mir Jafar by making a hastly decision for war against the English, with Mir Jafar  as the Commander of his forces.

Finally, When all conspiracy got ready, Clive charged Siraj-ud-Daulah of violating the Treaty of Alinagar (9th Feb,1756) by entering into conspiracy with the French and without waiting reply, marched towards Murhidabad with a troops of 3000 strong (800 European and 2200 Indian Sepoys). The Nawab  was then forced to come out of his Capital to give battle to the English with his motley and disaffected army of 50,000. Thus, both armies confronted each other at Plassey, on the bank of Bhagirathi River.

COURSE OF THE WAR: The famous Battle of Plassey was fought on 23rd June, 1757 between the English under Robert Clive and the Nawab of Bengal. When the war begun, Mir Jafar and Rai Durllabh with their large armies stood a silent spectators, while a small force under Mir Madan and Mohanlal only fought against the English. Mir Madan  fell fighting in the Battle Field while Mohanlal was forced to retreat.

When all entreaties of the Nawas to Mir Jafar to come to action proved fruitless, he was unnerved and was forced to flee the battle field.  Siraj  was pursued and was captured four days later and was put to death at the order of Miran, son of Mir Jafar. Thus, the battle was over. The Battle of Plassey  was infact, a mere Skimish,  for the Engish only lost 29 men while the Nawab lost nearly 500.

RESULTS: The Battle of Plassey  proved to be one of the most decisive battle in Modern Indian History, not only because of any feats of Valour shown, but because it produced far-reaching effects.
1). It made the English the master of Bengal from where they overran Indian Sub-Continent within the next hundred years. It provided them with the key to conquer the whole India.
2). Mir Jafar was made the Nawab of Bengal.
3). Mi Jafar got the Nawabship through treachery and this had adversely affected the administration of the province, where loyalty disappeared and treachery prevailed everywhere.
4). The English got huge sums of money froms the Nawab to the tune of some Rs.1,7396,761 by draining the treasury of Bengal.
5).Apart from the monetary gains, the English gots the territory of 24 Pargan. It was mainly from the resources of Bengal, that the English were able to oust their European rivals, including the Frenchfrom India.


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