what were the causes and consequences of the battle of plassey in bengal ?


Earlier E.I.C  came into bengal as trader but gradually they tried to interfare through various means of ways . let's see them one by one .
after the death of  Aurangeb the mugal governor Murshid-quli-khan declared himself as independent ruler in 1717 , who was succeded  by shuja-ud-din muhammad khan and he was succeded by sarfaraz khan but due to his inabiltiy he was killed and was succeded by alivardi khan . after his death siraj-ud-daulah comes on throne .

1. Fortification of factories and areas

when siraj-ud-daulah became the nawab of bengal , both french and english were strenthening their fortification in  the expectation of war that might likely  to occur between them due to seven years wars that broke out between them in europe . when siraj-ud-daulah forbad them to fortfy their settlements , french readily obeyed while the english flately refused

2. Misuse of commercial privileges

the servents of the east india comapany misused their commercial privileges acquired from the mughal emperor throuhg royal farman of 1717 . accroding to which the english comapany could carry on trade in bengal duty-free. this privileges was misused by the company's servents for their private trade and however , they sometime even sold these passes or dastaks to their friendly native traders which often led to great loss to bengal's treasury .

3. Taking advantage of hindu

the english fully exploited the discontentment of the hindu against the tyrannical rule of the muslims and incited them against the nawab and even had given shelter to them . once , siraj demanded the surrender of one of his bitterest enemy , krishna das , to him but latter refused . thus , due to this siraj marched to calcutta and seized the enlish factory at kashim bazaar and then occupied fort william on 20th june 1756. after that , siraj returned back to murshidabad leaving calcutta under the charge of one of the his officer manikchand . when fall of culcatta reached to madras , a large naval and military expedition was sent under admiral warson and colonel robert clive , they recovered back culcutta on jan 1757 , without serious fight . finding himself in difficult condition  , siraj signed a treaty of alinagar ( 1757 ) . this conceded all the demands of the british , but the treaty of alinagar failed to restore the friendly relation between them .

4. Conspiracy to overthrow siraj

in order to weak the position of nawab , they ( british ) contacted mir jafar , commander-in-chief of siraj's army through amin chand and entered into consipracy for overthrowing siraj-ud-daulah with a promise of the nawabship of bengal . thus he stood against english for war , with mir jafar as his commander . finally , when consipracy got ready , clive charged siraj-ud-daulah of violating the treaty of alinagar by entering into consipracy with french and without waiting reply .  british marched towards mrushidabad with troops of 3000 strong ( 800 european  and 2200 indian sepoys ) . the nawab was then forced to come out of his capital to give battle to the english with his moslty and disaffected army of 50,000 . thus, both armies confronted each other at plassey , on the bank of bhagirathi river . hence, british won this battle and it was mere skimish for enlish who only lost 29 men while nawab lost nearly 500 .


the battle of plassey proved to be one of the most decisive batttle in the modern indian history , not only because of any feats of valour shown but because it produced far-reaching effects.

A. it made the english the master of bengal from where they overan indian subcontinent within next hundereds years , it provided them with key to conquer the whole india

B. Mir jafar was made the nawab of bengal , he got the nawabship through treachery and this had adversely affected the adminstration of the province , where loyalty disappeared and treachery prevailed everywhere .

C. The englsih got huge sums of money from the nawab worth of 22.5 million by draining of traesury of bengal

D. Apart from the monetary gaisns , the english got the territory of 24 paragan. it was mainly from the resources of bengal , that the english were able to aust their european rivals including their french from india 


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